No "Deer crossing" signs in Brazil. "Capybara crossing" They're a real danger. A full grown one can reach about 150 pounds. They're only 2 feet tall, but hitting one at high speed would be a very bad day.
A local park. A seat carved into a fallen tree.
The cat cafe. To play with the cats was an additional charge, so they just had drinks, and watched the cats in a separate room.
This drink tasted like sweet corn, and was quite good.
A very hot day in the park. Temps were reaching 100!
The Statue of Liberty along the road. Why?
How to get your shopping cart upstairs in a two story grocery store. You ride up with your cart, which is held in place with magnets.
A performance at a local community center. Quite enjoyable, even if it was all in Portuguese.
The view from the hotel room. On the other side of the hotel is a very busy, interstate-like road. This a major, metropolitan city. Roughly the size of Washington DC, but with skyscrapers.
This Burger King only sells ice cream, and a few other small items.
Recycling bins.
Metso time capsule, to be opened in 2049.
The Metso museum.
The pin commemorating 100 years of operation in Brazil.
A local looking for lunch.
A hot and humid walk in the park.
Fresh squeezed cane with coconut and lemon juice. Good stuff!
This is may be the local library.
The place to be on a hot day!