STWG Bylaws
Bylaws as adopted - 10/21
The name of the organization is the Susquehanna Trail Woodworkers Guild, Ltd. (the Guild), incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania.
The Guild is an open-membership organization dedicated to:
1. Preserving the tradition, culture and history of woodworking.
2. Sharing and promoting the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of woodworking.
3. Advancing fellowship among persons interested in the art of woodworking.
4. Enjoying and appreciating the woodworking skills and experiences of other woodworkers.
SECTION 1. Any person 18 years of age or older, or younger with the participation of a parent or guardian, believing in the purposes of this organization and willing to take an active part in the activities of the organization, is invited to be a member and is considered an active member of the Guild upon payment of the annual dues. The membership year is the calendar year. Members younger than 18 years of age may only use tools with the presence of a parent or guardian.
SECTION 2. Membership dues are payable to the Treasurer. Annual membership dues rates for individual and household memberships are set from time-to-time by majority vote of the membership. Dues are payable upon application for membership for new members and annually by the third meeting of the year for continuing members. New member dues are pro-rated as: 12 minus the month joining divided by 12. Continuing member dues are not pro-rated.
SECTION 3. A member will be dropped from the roster if the dues are not paid by the third meeting of the membership year.
SECTION 4. A membership may be terminated for conduct or speech that violates the standards of the membership. Termination is only by a unanimous referral of the matter by the Executive Committee to the membership for vote. A two-thirds vote of the members is required to remove a member.
SECTION 1. The elected officers shall be the: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. The elective officers shall be voting members of the Executive Committee.
These officers are to perform the duties prescribed in these By-laws. The elected officers of the Guild also constitute the Board of Directors of the Guild in all matters requiring a Board of Directors.
A. The PRESIDENT shall:
1. Preside over regular meetings of the Guild and over Executive Committee meetings of the Guild.
2. Appoint the non-elected officers and chairmen of all standing or special committees.
3. Call special meetings as requested or deemed advisable.
4. See that all officers and committees fulfill their duties.
5. Assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
1. Assume the duties of the President during any absence.
2. Assume the duties of the President if for any reason the President cannot fulfill the duties of the office or the office is vacated.
3. Assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
C. The SECRETARY shall:
1. Record the activities (take minutes) of all Executive Board meetings.
2. Receive and send correspondence necessary for the operation of the Guild functions outside Guild membership.
3. Be responsible for maintaining a record of the Guild in cooperation with the Newsletter Editor.
4. May assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
D. The TREASURER shall:
1. Set-up and maintain a checking account in the name of the Guild.
2. Keep an accurate and current record of receipts and disbursements and be custodian of all financial funds.
3. Have the authority to make payments furthering the Guild’s operation up to $100 without approval of the Executive Committee.
4. Keep an accurate and current record of member dues status, and provide name tags to members in good standing.
5. Provide quarterly and annual Treasury reports to the membership.
6. Set-up and/or maintain an official address of the Guild.
7. May assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
SECTION 2. Removal of Officers. If any officer does not perform his or her duties, then the general membership may remove him or her upon recommendation of the Executive Board and by vote of the majority of membership present at a general
membership meeting.
SECTION 1. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Guild President no later than the regular September meeting. The committee shall submit a list of nominees and provide a report at the October regular meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
SECTION 2. Election shall be by majority vote of active members present at the October regular meeting which is designated the Annual Business Meeting.
SECTION 3. Elected officers will serve a two-year term and their term of office shall begin and end at the close of the December social meeting of the term of their office.
No elected officer shall hold more than one elected office at a time.
SECTION 4. Vacancies in any elected office shall be filled as soon as possible and by an election following the announcement of the vacancy. Nominations shall be made from the floor, and voting shall be by majority of the general membership present at the regular meeting of the vote.
SECTION 5. For all election voting if there is only one nominee for the office, voting will be by voice. When there is more than one nominee for the office, the voting will be by secret ballot.
The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, members to those of the following non-elected officer positions as is deemed necessary and desirable for the Guild. Any appointed non-elected officer may at their desire and discretion enlist other members to serve in committee for the non-elected office performance.
1) Program chairman: plans the monthly programs and obtains speakers who are informative to the Guilds purpose for both regular meetings and for auxiliary programs for holding, sponsoring or scheduling workshops, classes or seminars for the educational benefit of the Guild.
2) Membership Chairman: conducts an ongoing campaign to attract new members.
Provides new members with membership package containing membership card, Guild By-laws, member roster and any other pertinent Guild information.
3) Social Events Chairman: responsible for managing and arrangements for all Guild Social events.
4) Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for writing, duplicating and distributing the monthly newsletter.
5) Photographer: is responsible for taking pictures of Guild activities and providing those pictures to the Newsletter Editor, Web Master and Historian.
6) Show and Tell Coordinator: responsible for presenting members who wish to display projects at the monthly meetings. Also takes notes of the displays and who constructed each for the Newsletter Editor.
7) Librarian: responsible for maintaining the Guild’s library.
8) Toy Coordinator: responsible for coordinating efforts of Guild members and gathering data pertaining to hours and material expended by members in making the toys and providing this information to the Guild Historian.
9) Show Coordinator: responsible for coordinating efforts to have a Guild informational booth at various area shows or activities to display member’s skills and inform the public about the Guild.
10) Web Master: responsible for maintaining the Guilds Web Page on the Internet, ensuring integrity of information displayed there, and providing data to the Guild Historian.
11) Special Project Chair: responsible for project requirements, project status and data concerning hours and material expensed by Guild members in completing each special Guild project.
SECTION 1 The Executive Committee for the Guild shall be composed of: the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are the voting members of the Executive Committee and of up to four Non-Elected Officers appointed by a majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2 The Executive Committee:
1) Shall have the authority to carry out the supervision of the affairs of the Guild between general membership meetings.
2) Shall authorize all payments from Guild funds in excess of $100.
3) Shall meet when the President declares a meeting or two members of the Committee declare a meeting.
4) May make recommendations to the membership.
5) Shall perform other duties as specified by these by-laws.
SECTION 1. The Guild general membership shall meet for their regular or general meeting the fourth Thursday of each month except November and December. Old Business and New Business may be conducted in the business portion of every regular meeting of the Guild and at the December social meeting. The October regular meeting is designated as the Annual Business Meeting. The general membership shall meet socially in December on a day and time to be adopted by the membership at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. The agenda of the Annual Business Meeting shall include, but not be limited to:
[i] reports from each officer of the Guild;
[ii] elections;
[iii] annual review of and possible amendment of these Bylaws;
[iv] membership revocations if needed;
[v] old business; and,
[vi] new business.
SECTION 3. All Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. Proxy voting is not allowed. Every decision of every Guild body requires a majority affirmative vote of the body’s members who are attending, unless these Bylaws or Robert’s Rules of Order require a greater vote. Decisions by the Executive Committee require a majority vote of all voting Executive Committee members. An amendment to these Bylaws requires a 2/3 affirmative vote of Members present at the Annual Business Meeting. The quorum of every Guild body is a majority of that body, except for the Annual Business Meeting of the Guild Members, which shall use a quorum of 25% of the Members of the Guild. Any Guild body may conduct a meeting by voice telephony or by video telephony or in-person. A Guild body may meet other than in-person and may conduct a vote other than in-person or by surface mail ballot, but when [A] meeting other than in-person or when [B] voting other than in person or by surface mail ballot, then that meeting and that voting must at all times maintain unanimous consent for the conducting of that meeting or that vote.
Should the members of the Guild decide to dissolve the organization they may do so by two-thirds vote to dissolve by the members at a regular meeting. The moved and seconded resolution to dissolve must be published in the Guild newsletter, and be the first item of the issue, at least one issue in advance of the vote. The resolution must include provision for payment of all the Guild’s debts to the extent assets permit. The resolution to dissolve must also include provision for transfer of any Guild assets after payment of debts to an IRS designated non-profit organization.
The name of the organization is the Susquehanna Trail Woodworkers Guild, Ltd. (the Guild), incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania.
The Guild is an open-membership organization dedicated to:
1. Preserving the tradition, culture and history of woodworking.
2. Sharing and promoting the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of woodworking.
3. Advancing fellowship among persons interested in the art of woodworking.
4. Enjoying and appreciating the woodworking skills and experiences of other woodworkers.
SECTION 1. Any person 18 years of age or older, or younger with the participation of a parent or guardian, believing in the purposes of this organization and willing to take an active part in the activities of the organization, is invited to be a member and is considered an active member of the Guild upon payment of the annual dues. The membership year is the calendar year. Members younger than 18 years of age may only use tools with the presence of a parent or guardian.
SECTION 2. Membership dues are payable to the Treasurer. Annual membership dues rates for individual and household memberships are set from time-to-time by majority vote of the membership. Dues are payable upon application for membership for new members and annually by the third meeting of the year for continuing members. New member dues are pro-rated as: 12 minus the month joining divided by 12. Continuing member dues are not pro-rated.
SECTION 3. A member will be dropped from the roster if the dues are not paid by the third meeting of the membership year.
SECTION 4. A membership may be terminated for conduct or speech that violates the standards of the membership. Termination is only by a unanimous referral of the matter by the Executive Committee to the membership for vote. A two-thirds vote of the members is required to remove a member.
SECTION 1. The elected officers shall be the: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. The elective officers shall be voting members of the Executive Committee.
These officers are to perform the duties prescribed in these By-laws. The elected officers of the Guild also constitute the Board of Directors of the Guild in all matters requiring a Board of Directors.
A. The PRESIDENT shall:
1. Preside over regular meetings of the Guild and over Executive Committee meetings of the Guild.
2. Appoint the non-elected officers and chairmen of all standing or special committees.
3. Call special meetings as requested or deemed advisable.
4. See that all officers and committees fulfill their duties.
5. Assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
1. Assume the duties of the President during any absence.
2. Assume the duties of the President if for any reason the President cannot fulfill the duties of the office or the office is vacated.
3. Assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
C. The SECRETARY shall:
1. Record the activities (take minutes) of all Executive Board meetings.
2. Receive and send correspondence necessary for the operation of the Guild functions outside Guild membership.
3. Be responsible for maintaining a record of the Guild in cooperation with the Newsletter Editor.
4. May assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
D. The TREASURER shall:
1. Set-up and maintain a checking account in the name of the Guild.
2. Keep an accurate and current record of receipts and disbursements and be custodian of all financial funds.
3. Have the authority to make payments furthering the Guild’s operation up to $100 without approval of the Executive Committee.
4. Keep an accurate and current record of member dues status, and provide name tags to members in good standing.
5. Provide quarterly and annual Treasury reports to the membership.
6. Set-up and/or maintain an official address of the Guild.
7. May assume one or more of the Non-Elected Officer positions.
SECTION 2. Removal of Officers. If any officer does not perform his or her duties, then the general membership may remove him or her upon recommendation of the Executive Board and by vote of the majority of membership present at a general
membership meeting.
SECTION 1. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Guild President no later than the regular September meeting. The committee shall submit a list of nominees and provide a report at the October regular meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
SECTION 2. Election shall be by majority vote of active members present at the October regular meeting which is designated the Annual Business Meeting.
SECTION 3. Elected officers will serve a two-year term and their term of office shall begin and end at the close of the December social meeting of the term of their office.
No elected officer shall hold more than one elected office at a time.
SECTION 4. Vacancies in any elected office shall be filled as soon as possible and by an election following the announcement of the vacancy. Nominations shall be made from the floor, and voting shall be by majority of the general membership present at the regular meeting of the vote.
SECTION 5. For all election voting if there is only one nominee for the office, voting will be by voice. When there is more than one nominee for the office, the voting will be by secret ballot.
The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, members to those of the following non-elected officer positions as is deemed necessary and desirable for the Guild. Any appointed non-elected officer may at their desire and discretion enlist other members to serve in committee for the non-elected office performance.
1) Program chairman: plans the monthly programs and obtains speakers who are informative to the Guilds purpose for both regular meetings and for auxiliary programs for holding, sponsoring or scheduling workshops, classes or seminars for the educational benefit of the Guild.
2) Membership Chairman: conducts an ongoing campaign to attract new members.
Provides new members with membership package containing membership card, Guild By-laws, member roster and any other pertinent Guild information.
3) Social Events Chairman: responsible for managing and arrangements for all Guild Social events.
4) Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for writing, duplicating and distributing the monthly newsletter.
5) Photographer: is responsible for taking pictures of Guild activities and providing those pictures to the Newsletter Editor, Web Master and Historian.
6) Show and Tell Coordinator: responsible for presenting members who wish to display projects at the monthly meetings. Also takes notes of the displays and who constructed each for the Newsletter Editor.
7) Librarian: responsible for maintaining the Guild’s library.
8) Toy Coordinator: responsible for coordinating efforts of Guild members and gathering data pertaining to hours and material expended by members in making the toys and providing this information to the Guild Historian.
9) Show Coordinator: responsible for coordinating efforts to have a Guild informational booth at various area shows or activities to display member’s skills and inform the public about the Guild.
10) Web Master: responsible for maintaining the Guilds Web Page on the Internet, ensuring integrity of information displayed there, and providing data to the Guild Historian.
11) Special Project Chair: responsible for project requirements, project status and data concerning hours and material expensed by Guild members in completing each special Guild project.
SECTION 1 The Executive Committee for the Guild shall be composed of: the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are the voting members of the Executive Committee and of up to four Non-Elected Officers appointed by a majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2 The Executive Committee:
1) Shall have the authority to carry out the supervision of the affairs of the Guild between general membership meetings.
2) Shall authorize all payments from Guild funds in excess of $100.
3) Shall meet when the President declares a meeting or two members of the Committee declare a meeting.
4) May make recommendations to the membership.
5) Shall perform other duties as specified by these by-laws.
SECTION 1. The Guild general membership shall meet for their regular or general meeting the fourth Thursday of each month except November and December. Old Business and New Business may be conducted in the business portion of every regular meeting of the Guild and at the December social meeting. The October regular meeting is designated as the Annual Business Meeting. The general membership shall meet socially in December on a day and time to be adopted by the membership at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. The agenda of the Annual Business Meeting shall include, but not be limited to:
[i] reports from each officer of the Guild;
[ii] elections;
[iii] annual review of and possible amendment of these Bylaws;
[iv] membership revocations if needed;
[v] old business; and,
[vi] new business.
SECTION 3. All Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. Proxy voting is not allowed. Every decision of every Guild body requires a majority affirmative vote of the body’s members who are attending, unless these Bylaws or Robert’s Rules of Order require a greater vote. Decisions by the Executive Committee require a majority vote of all voting Executive Committee members. An amendment to these Bylaws requires a 2/3 affirmative vote of Members present at the Annual Business Meeting. The quorum of every Guild body is a majority of that body, except for the Annual Business Meeting of the Guild Members, which shall use a quorum of 25% of the Members of the Guild. Any Guild body may conduct a meeting by voice telephony or by video telephony or in-person. A Guild body may meet other than in-person and may conduct a vote other than in-person or by surface mail ballot, but when [A] meeting other than in-person or when [B] voting other than in person or by surface mail ballot, then that meeting and that voting must at all times maintain unanimous consent for the conducting of that meeting or that vote.
Should the members of the Guild decide to dissolve the organization they may do so by two-thirds vote to dissolve by the members at a regular meeting. The moved and seconded resolution to dissolve must be published in the Guild newsletter, and be the first item of the issue, at least one issue in advance of the vote. The resolution must include provision for payment of all the Guild’s debts to the extent assets permit. The resolution to dissolve must also include provision for transfer of any Guild assets after payment of debts to an IRS designated non-profit organization.